Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Short biography on Confucius

Confucius is born in the year 551BC.  His father is a Prince. His mother is a peasant, who gave birth to him when she was only sixteen.  

Prior to 221BC, China was multiple nations, much like today's Europe.  However, an international body that was much like today's UN and the European Union, was formed, to maintain peace and harmony and was successful in keeping peace and harmony, to the same extent of modern UN.  The leader of this union is the Zou nation, serving a function similar to modern UN Security Council.  As a result, the King of Zou nation was also been considered as the King of Kings, this era is commonly referred to as the Zou dynasty.  However, by the time of Confucius, the federation was breaking down.  The result of the breaking down of this federation, China was gradually moving into become a feudal society, similar to the era of feudal Japan and Europe during the dark and middle ages.  

Confucius himself was from the Lu nation, who is located along the north eastern shore of modern China.  During Confucius time, Lu nation was been divided by three warlords families, fighting each other to try gain full control of the nation, the people were living in poverty due to the continuing warfare and the government was corrupt.  The King of the Lu nation has no real power.

Confucius' father died when he was three years old.  Despite been of noble birth, after his father's death, Confucius and his mother were been exiled from the royal family.  Confucius was raised by his mother, single hand.  Confucius grew up in poverty, despite been of royal blood, so he was very intact with the common people.

Confucius' mother died when he was fifteen.  After burying his mother with his father, in accordance to the custom of the time, Confucius decided he wanted to be an educated and travel throughout China to study.

The common study of Confucius of the time is called Dao.  Dao is a study to understand how things work.  However, Dao believe as mere humans we are not capable of changing things and we can only live in respect to how things are.  This anger Confucius a lot, he felt as an educated, we should use our knowledge to help make the world a better place, rather than hide from the world.  And Confucius believes in changing the corrupt social science of his era, by restoring China, to the peace and harmony, prior to the collapse of the Zou Federation.

At the age of nineteen Confucius married a woman from Song nation and has one son and one daughter, although some evidence suggests Confucius might have a second daughter.  In his early 20th Confucius got a job working for one of the three feudal Lords of Lu nation, he managed grand storage for the Ji family, the most powerful of the three families and made a lot of money.

Confucius believe the way to restore China to the harmony, prior to the collapse of the federation, is through humanity.  Confucius believes, if everybody is humane and the ruler of the nations is humane and care about public interest, things would change.

Confucius believes in initiating these changes, it must start with education.  In his early 30s, Confucius opened his first school.  During Confucius time, only the nobles and the wealthy can afford to go to school.  Confucius intentionally created a school, where children from all walk of life, can come and study in his school.  The tuition fee of Confucius school is so cheap, even the poorest parents can send their children to come study in Confucius' school.  Confucius students include both rich and poor, both royal and peasants and it even include foreign nationalist to Lu.  They all study under Confucius as equals and Confucius also teach his ideas to his students.  

When Confucius was in his 50s, the King of Lu nation wanted to use the continuing fighting amount the three warlord families to regain control of Lu nation and seek Confucius for help.  Confucius believes this is his opportunity to change things and accept the offer, so the King appointed Confucius as the Prime Minister of Lu nation.

As Prime Minister, Confucius put his theory to the test in governing the nation.  Within four years of been in power, Lu nation saw a prosperity that have not been seen, since the three families took power, crime rate hit an all-time low.  Through a variety of diplomacy method, Confucius was able to help increasingly secure the power of the Federal government from the three family and secure Lu nation's border, from Ci nation, which wanted to conquer it and when necessary, Confucius is also a brilliant General who is able to use the military to achieve this goal.  Confucius is in fact also a great warrior, it was recorded Confucius was extremely tall and masculine for his time and is an expert in archery and melee combat and leading troops into battle.  People of Confucius time said, Confucius has the strength of a tiger.  Confucius' father is also known to be one of the greatest warriors and General of his time.  But because Confucius is anti-violence, he do not resolve to a military solution, unless there are no other choices, so he was not well known for his skills as General until he lead troops into battle for the first time, as Prime Minister.

Fearing the increasing threat of Lu King, with Confucius' assistance, the three families and Ci nation seek to find a ways to push Confucius out of power.  Thus, they send the King 80 beautiful woman as a peace offering.  The King didn't show up to government hall for three days, entertained by the beautiful women and then sacked Confucius as Prime Minister.

Disappointed by the Lu King, Confucius left Lu nation and embarked on a journey travel throughout China, for the next twenty years trying to persuade the ruling class of each nation to change their ways, he was only accompanied by his students.  But the ruling class of the time choose to just ignore him, once Cheng nation and Cai nation even send an allied force to tried have Confucius killed.  Confucius and his students were been trapped in a valley until troops from Chu nation come to rescue them.  The only nation, that was interest in using Confucius was Wei nation, but the King was only interested in Confucius' skills as a General, not his skill as a politician.  Confucius rejected Wei King's offer to use him as the General of his army and reform his army to become a powerful one.

When Confucius was traveling the world, one of Confucius former student, becomes the General of Lu nation's army, to defend Lu nation from the invading of Ci nation, because Confucius refuse to return to lead Lu army that was been defeated.  After defeating Ci nation, the student became the Prime Minister of Lu nation and due to his influence, Lu nation invited Confucius to return.  After returning to Lu nation, Confucius focused on teaching and died in his seventies, in the year 479BC.

It was said Confucius died with a broken heart, feeling he failed in his quest of restoring China to the peace, harmony and prosperity, it enjoyed, in the era prior to the collapse of the Federation.

However, Confucius' teaching live on through his students, it is said, Confucius had over 3000 students, 72 of those students became some of the greatest politicians, generals, academics and teachers of the time and through his 3000 students and then his students' students and so on, Confucius ideology was been kept alive.

Confucius ideology influence on Asia

256 years after Confucius' death, Feudal China was all conquered by Cin nation.  Cin nation also conquered land south of the Yangtze River, including modern Vietnam and formed the Cin Empire. But the Cin nation's King was known for brutality, he also created a two class citizen, for those who are Cin citizens to be the nobility class and those who are not of Cin citizen to be a subclass. Confucius ideology is considered as a threat to the Cin's power to rule and initiate a series of policy to kill those who follow Confucius' teaching.

After only ruling China and Vietnam for 14 years, the people revolted, under the leadership of a man named Liou Bond.

After overthrowing the Cin Empire, Bond who is not the King of any existing nation of China formed a new nation to rule all of China and Vietnam.  In 206BC Bond formed the Han Empire.  Bond is in favour of Confucius way of governing and decided to put his way into practice. Since then, Confucius ideology becomes the most influential philosopher, in Asia's history.  Bond created numbers of reform following Confucius ideology.  Firstly, Bond created the Federal, State, and district system.  Bond divided China into thirteen states and each state is divided into multiple districts.  Because many Kings of each former nations of China wanted to revolt, Bond appointed the King and the Princes to be the first district magistrates of the districts and have the full authority to govern their district independently, but subject to the state and federal.  In earlier days, the state can only supervise the district, but later, was also granted the full authority to govern the state independently, but cannot contradict federal.  The Federal government is divided into four branches, legislative, executive, military and human resource.  The Emperor holds the power to the legislative branch of the government, the other three branches, are all govern by a Chancellor.  Human Resource, supervise the federal, state and district government.  The Han Empire also invented the modern examination system, it is a system put in place to find the most qualified educated to be in government, the peasants and the nobles, sit as equals, to be tested in their knowledge and ethic in governing.  Those who score the highest would be given a position within government.

By using the ideas of Confucius, China and Vietnam saw a great level of peace and prosperity.  The believe in been humane, to promote the right people to the right post to assist the King and to promote competent people ahead of people of noble title, like Confucius preached allows the Han Empire, to reach its full potential in military and economic strength, which is enough to make them the most powerful nation, of the ancient world.  Adding to their pro-human right and pro-civil right policies, due to their pro-humane culture, the Han Empire, in many ways, was the ancient version of modern United States.  The Han Empire collapsed in 220AC.  This is due to a new policy to allow the state to have an own independent military, independent from the federal.  And later, the army of the state magistrate Cao cao rebel and seized control of the capital and hold the Emperor as a puppet.  The Emperor was forced to appoint Cao as the Prime Minister and approve all laws Cao present. The Southern states, refusing to submit to Cao's rule, declared independents.

Between late 17th century to late 18th century Cing Empire that once ruled parts of Manchuria conquer all of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Xian Jiang, China and Western Taiwan.  Fearing revolt, from local magistrates, the Cing Empire greatly reduces the power of state and district government.  In Federal government, there was only one branch of government, control directly by the Emperor.  This become one of the main reason China fall by 19th century.  The British ambassador to China in the 18th century once said the Cing Empire is like a giant ship that only has one sailor.  For now the ship is sailing fine, but if the sailor become dizzy for only a second, the ship would start sinking and nothing the sailor can do later, could change things and that was exactly what happened.  If it isn't because of the Cing Empire, China would still be the most powerful, in the modern world.

The pro-humane culture, also result in a situation where ancient China was extremely anti conquering, as a result, despite it was extremely powerful, in the ancient world, China conquer nothing.  But on multiple occasions send troops to assist in defending nations been invaded by another nation, if the invading nation could be a threat to China and would attack nations threatening China's boarder.  During the 17th century, the Ming Empire that ruled all of China also engaged in warfare with Spain, Dutch and Portuguese and won.  The Ming Empire defeated Portuguese, Dutch and Spain in wars of defending its boarders.  It also defeated Portuguese over conflicted related to Portuguese trying to conquer Malaysia and then over the issue of slavery, due to the Ming Empire's strong anti-slavery position.  There were many cases while trading with Europeans, the businessman of Ming Empire, purchases black slaves, just to set them free.  However, the anti-humane culture of 17th century Europe, also create a strong anti-western feeling in China, many then Chinese refer to Europeans as western savages.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

message continue

[you have become to westernised] Really? How many western country out there have death penalty, there are a whole bunch of western countries that have death penalty also, including the US. And sometime in US justice system, people get found guilty of crime, even when there are no evidence proving they are guilty, sometime even when there are overwhelming evidence proving they are not guilty. I've seen so many cases in the US, where people get found guilty of serious crime such as rape and murder, simply because another person said so, sometime even with overwhelming evidence proving he is not guilty of such and the person accusing him of rape or murder, is simply making it up. I've heard a story in the US, where a man was found guilty and spend 20 years in prison for rape, because a woman made it all up, simply because she don't want to pay for the damage she did to his car. Despite all evidence point to the fact, she was never rape and she made it all up. It took 20 years, till the truth finally come out and this woman is arrested for lying to the court. God know how many innocent people is in prison in the US, due to this flaw within their justice system? And this is the leader of the free world!!!

And talk about the western world in widen, is it really as great as we think, in term of human right? Latin America have some of the worse violation against free speech in the modern world. (Not kidding, it is even worse then Communist China, although it is probably better then North Korea.) Their defamation law, have something that veto any person, to say anything ill against any government official, disregards to circumstances. Remember how we all speak ill of Julia Gillard when she was in power? Even calling her witch? If this is Latin America we would all be thrown in prison for it. And isn't Latin America a part of the western world? Yes it is. Even China, allow the media to speak ill of the government to a certain extend. (not as freely as Australia of course) But point made, there are western countries that are even worse then China, when it comes to free speech.

Also do I have to remind you what happened in South Africa prior to Nelson Medulla came into power, they literally had a party call "white supremacy party" ruling the country and suppressing the black and here in Australia, it is even worse, may I remind you of the stolen generation? Within Australia's own constitution there is the following two lines written in 1911 [For the purposes of the last section, if by the law of any State all persons of any race are disqualified from voting at elections for the more numerous House of the Parliament of the State, then, in reckoning the number of the people of the State or of the Commonwealth, persons of the race resident in that State shall not be counted.] Chapter 1 the Parliament Part 3 House of Representative article 25 and [51.The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: -(xxvi.) The people of any race, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws:] Chapter 1 the Parliament part 5 Power of the Parliament article 51 (and for your reference here is a online copy of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia in accordance to
the website of Australia Federal Parliament It is through these two line that the stolen Generation is possible. And till date, no amendment to the constitution has gotten rid of these two lines yet. (remember a while ago there was a TV ad that talk about making a petition to change the Australia constitution, to protect the right of Indigenous Australians? It is talking about getting rid of these two lines) In addition, I took the privilege to look at the constitution of a none western country. This is the constitution of Taiwan it wrote 中華民國人民,無分男女,宗教,種族,階級,黨派,在法律上一律平等。(English Translation: All people within the Republic of China [former name of Taiwan as a nation] disregards to male or female, religion, race, social status, political preference are equal in the eye of the law.) Do you know where this constitution was written? 1924, only 13 years after the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia come into practice (1911) and may I remind you, the stolen generation didn't end till 1970s and it is not possible for it to end, if it isn't because of the work of George Whitler as Prime Minister in the 1960s. So once again, a none western country is kicking a western country's ass in the arena of human right and to add to the insult, it is kicking Australia's ass. And if you think Taiwan's constitution has this line is due to a western influence, once again I have to disappoint you. Do you know who is the first person in recorded history to say something along such line? Confucius over 2500 years ago. He said that the nation is rightfully the common property of its people, not the King's therefore it is the responsibility of the King to rule in public interest, when the King perform his responsibility well, the people should be loyal to the King, but when the King fail to perform his duty well, the people should remove the King from office and replace him with a new one. Later Emperor Liu Bang of China made it the law in 195BC that "All men are equals in the eyes of the law disregards to Emperor or peasant" although there might be some ancient scholar in Rome or Greek that say similar, especially consider they are democracy, it definitely have no influence, considering after the fall of the Roman Empire, we saw the rise of the cult of "King is god's given right" and as a result of it, a whole set of none sense value that emerged as a result of this cult. It is not until the formation of the United States of America, we for the first time seen lines of such nature in a western law, where in the US constitution (I can't remember the exact word) it said that all men are equal under god, within the United States of America, as god intended.

Also do you know which country is the first that gave women the right to vote? Turkey. It is not a western country, it is a Middle Eastern country. Do you know, which country is the first to introduce compulsory education system, for both boys and girls? Japan. They introduce it during the 19th century, for all boys and girls to have to finish to year nine. The western world don't even have compulsory education system back then, let along allowing girls to go to school. We are all familiar with the Irish Independent war, back by the CIA, but whom were the South Irish fighting against? The United Kingdom. That is right. And just a reminder, the UK is a western country. (I can hardly believe it myself, when I first heard of it. Never thought the modern UK is capable of such thing)

Here is another two documentaries about the violation of human right in the western world they are both very good documentaries, you should take a look at it, when you have time "Criminal Catholic Nuns: Exposing the Vatican's organized crime scheme of child trafficking" "Spain Baby Market: Catholic Church's Baby Trafficking Schemes Exposed " These all happen very recently. And to add to the irony it is both led by the Catholic church, the biggest religion organization of the western world.

In addition, the violation of human right by Cold War Soviet Union, goes without saying and mind I remind you, the Soviet Union was a part of the western world. Also we laugh at the Iraq going on at each other throat even going to war with each other base on religion difference, but do you remember which western country also went into civil war due to religion difference? Bosnia. And despite the war is now over, the wounds and tension left from that era is still there.

Now, you might say these are all the past, but really? The issue against free speech in Latin America is still going on right now. And Ukraine, do you know the deal there? They were in a dictatorship rule of a tyrant, just like Sudan Hassan's once rule in Iraq and Colonel Kaddafi's once rule on Syria. When the people of Ukraine saw how through the usage of people power, got dictator to step down in Egypt and Syria the people of Ukraine thought they can do the same thing. They got rid of the dictator alright, but only to get Russian troops marching onto their front door and may I remind you, when Tony Abbott speak out against Russia's President for taking down a commercial jet. The Russia President send three warship knocking on our front door and only back off after UK say speak for Australia against Russia and US send navel present in Australia water. This only happen last year and the war in Ukraine is still going on now. And just a reminder, both Russia and Ukraine are western countries. Also here is another documentary of human right issue going on in South America, which you can have a look at when you have time "The Sick Men Travelling to Brazil for Sex With Children" and mind I remind you, Brazil is a western country. So, your idea of the west as a beacon of enlighten of human right, in comparison to the none west, is that really so true or is it merely a fantasy, a myth?

I am not saying the western world = brutal human right violation savages. I am not even saying the west = human right violation. Nor am I saying the none west out perform the west in human right. Although there are certain none western countries that out perform the some western countries in some or all arenas of human right. There are also some western countries that out perform some none western countries in some or all arena of human right. For example, Saudi Arabia women right issue a very bad and there are no modern western country that perform so horrible in term of women right. But the fact you think the west to be this beacon of enlighten in the face of the none west, sorry mate, there is simply nothing about that is true.

Also if you think the entire western world is of 1st world status, you are wrong. This is a report out of Latin America itself, about the issue of poverty in the area. This is a report from the European Union about European countries, where over 50% of the public live below the poverty line here is another documentary call "These Russian Street Kids have Been Totally Cheated of Childhood"

Also if you think the west invented everything and single handed create the modern world, once again you are wrong. The west was only the main contributor to creating the modern world during the 19th century and early to mid 20th century (and starting from early to mid 20th century it is only the US, that make such contribution) and prior to that there was much contribution by the Middle East and Asia and was in fact the prime mover and although due to the influence of white supremacy culture, the then western world don't want to admit to it, they have a major influence on the west, also and without it, the industrial revolution, age of enlighten or even getting out of the dark ages, would be nothing more then a fantasy for the western world. There is a very good series of documentary from the SBS that talk about these none western influence upon the west, you should take a look at it too. "ISLAM's contribution to Europe and Influence to European Renaissance" and here is another documentary from US, about how China's influence during the Middle Ages revolutionized European military culture and allow the colonial age to begin.

But unfortunately too many people in the west, want to turn a blind eye to facts that undermine this myth of the wise and mighty west, because this myth make their pride feel good. And it is like psychologist says, when a person believe in something badly enough they look for example and construct opinion that is in favor of it and ignore everything else that suggest otherwise, and people would believe in something so badly, because it provide them some form of conscious or unconscious payoff and the pay off of the myth of the wise and mighty west, is to make people's pride feel good. And today, we are seen this situation, as I said, whether you agree with death penalty or not, I highly doubt there would be such outrage for the execution of these two men, if they are to be executed in a western country. And as I said, there are only two type of people that would speak in favor of them, (1) those whom are gangsters themselves (2) those whom are influence by the concept of western supremacy which is a son of white supremacy (and alright, two more groups, their friends and family and media and politicians that wan to cash in on sympathy for these two men)